A healthy social life is found only when, in the mirror of each soul, the whole community finds its reflection, and when, in the whole community, the virtue of each one is living.
– Rudolf Steiner
Gamot Cogon Waldorf School seeks to build social life both within the immediate school family and with the wider community. We do this by building partnerships, encouraging participation, connecting with supporters, accepting volunteers, welcoming visitors and reaching out to and sharing with the community.
Parents are invited to become active in the school community through attending school events, class meetings, parent workshops and through volunteering at the school in a variety of ways.
Renovation of barangay day care center by GCWS high school students
The school also works to share culture with the larger community. Many artistic events of GCWS are performed in Iloilo City where a larger public can experience the cultural activities of the school. Students also perform community service through, for example, repainting community day-care and health facilities, rehabilitating playgrounds etc.
Visitors are welcomed into the school. Students of education and others schedule visits to the school campus and foster connections.
Some of our external partners include:
Freunde der Erziehungskunst. The Friends of Waldorf Education is a charity association founded in 1971 and registered in Stuttgart, Germany. The association fosters initiatives all over the world for a free education and organisations that work on the basis of Waldorf education. Freunde support for GCWS comes through: (1) a yearly volunteer program that sends young German students who have graduated from high school to spend a year with GCWS as volunteers; (2) Waldorf One World (WOW) support funds; (3) Student sponsorships for children from economically poor families.
LifeBank Foundation. LifeBank Microfinance Foundation, Inc. is one of the fastest-growing microfinance institutions dedicated to provide financial & non-financial interventions to break the chains of poverty through the values of caring and sharing. LBMF supports GCWS through student sponsorships for children from economically poor families.
Adriaan Roland Holst School. ARHS is a “sister school” of GCWS. It is a Steiner Waldorf School or Free School located in Bergen, Netherlands. ARHS supports GCWS through faculty exchanges, donations and communications between schools.
Individual donors and sponsors. GCWS reaches out to individuals who share the school’s ideals and wish to support our efforts. Reports are sent to the donors to keep them abreast of school activities and student progress.
Steiner Waldorf Schools in Germany. Schools that organize WOW day activities to benefit GCWS. These support funds help us to purchase needed materials and improve playgrounds and facilities among other school needs.
SWEAP. Steiner Waldorf Education Association Philippines is the umbrella organization that seeks to strengthen and support Steiner Waldorf education in the country. GCWS is a founding member of the association.